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Save a Document

After you have created a new document, please save it via.

  • "Command + S" keyboard shortcut.
  • "Save" app menu.

The location is specified by you when you save the file. The next time you open and modify a saved CostX file, you do not need to save the file manually again, the CostX app will save it automatically in the backend.


You can store CostX files in iCloud Drive and other third-party cloud storage and sync the files with multiple devices or collaborate with other users. Syncing and collaboration depends on iCloud Drive and other third-party cloud storage services.


CostX is a document-based application that allows you to create and modify CostX documents. CostX has no control over iCloud Drive and other third-party cloud storage and does not affect the operation of synchronization and collaboration services, and CostX cannot help resolve synchronization and collaboration issues.