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Remove a Document

CostX runs in the sandbox, which has no permission to remove the files on the Mac. You need to remove the CostX file directly from Finder app.

Where is the file located?

The document file is saved in the location you specified when you saved it. You can right-click (or Ctrl + click) the document icon in the Welcome window, and then click the "Show in Finder" menu to open the document in the Finder.

Show in Finder


If the CostX document you want to remove is not in the list of recently opened documents and you do not know where the file is located, you can search for the file by the file's extension in the Finder.

Clear recent list

Right-click (or Ctrl + click) on the empty space in the recent documents view in the Welcome window, then you will find a menu to clear the recent list.


When you clear the recent documents list, the files listed in the recently opened documents are not actually deleted from the Mac, but only the list of recently opened documents managed by macOS is cleaned up.

Clear recents